What steps will reproduce the problem? 1. In showcase, modify page "richtext-tinymce-advanced.jsp" (see attached file) and add theses lines before submit button : <sjr:tinymce id="test2" name="test2" rows="10" cols="80" width="700" editorTheme="simple" value="Test 2" />
Go into Firefox and see the result in "More Widgets > Richtext - Tinymce (Advanced)"
Compare with http://tinymce.moxiecode.com/examples/example_04.php
What is the expected output? What do you see instead? One of editor don't work, no buttons appear in front of advanced editor. Using IE 6.0, it's worst ! The first time the page is loaded, it's the same as FireFox, but the next times, nothing work correctly. There is a javascript error during loading page and no buttons appear in both editors.
Which struts2 version?
Which struts2-jquery plugin version? 2.3.1
Please provide any additional information below. IE 6.0 et Firefox 3.6.8
Comment #1
Posted on Aug 10, 2010 by Swift Lionthis should be fixed in current trunk.
Comment #2
Posted on Aug 18, 2010 by Grumpy ElephantI download the snapshot of 2.4.0 and I test results. It's better. The correction works with two 'editorTheme="simple"' any time. But with attached page, with one 'editorTheme="simple"' and one 'editorTheme="advanced"', both works the first time you call the page. But next time, 'editorTheme="advanced"' don't load correctly. Just for this one, no buttons appear in editors.
I hope my comment is clear for you...
Comment #3
Posted on Aug 18, 2010 by Swift Lionlooks like a tinymce bug.
Comment #4
Posted on Sep 7, 2010 by Swift Lion(No comment was entered for this change.)
Status: Fixed