
C++ String Toolkit Library

The C++ String Toolkit (StrTk) Library is a free library that consists of robust, optimized and portable generic string processing algorithms and procedures for the C++ language. The library is designed to be easy to use and integrate within existing code.

The library has the following capabilities:

  • Generic string tokenizer and token iterators
  • Fast Split routines
  • User specified delimiter and splitter policies (simple and regex based etc.)
  • Conversions between data and hex and base-64
  • In-place removal and replace routines
  • Wild-card matching and globbing
  • Search and Replace
  • Fast token grid and Comma Separated Values (CSV) processing
  • Extremely fast String to Integer, Double and other POD conversions
  • Extensible string processing templates and algorithms (eg: combinatorics and randomizations)
  • Fast and simple-to-use binary serialization
  • Seamless integration with STL and Boost
  • Easy to use wrappers of common string processing usage patterns
  • Single header file solution requires no installation or building

and plenty more...

Compatible C++ Compilers: * GNU Compiler Collection (4.1+) * IntelĀ® C++ Compiler (9.x+) * Clang/LLVM (1.1+) * PGI C++ (10.x+) * Microsoft Visual Studio C++ Compiler (8.1+) * Comeau C++ Compiler (4.3+)

Project Information

String CPlusPlus routine Algorithm Process library tool Convert Toolkit base64 hex split tokenize replace search