
Flash MVC Framework written in AS3

What is Soma?

Soma is a Flash MVC Framework (open source) written in AS3 to help you to create your projects by automating common processes, such as loading, structure, pages, assets, and a lot more.

What is SomaUI?

SomaUI is a AIR-Java tool that is generating sources: the draft of a Flash site based on the Soma framework, ready to use and be taken to a further development. Available for Windows, Mac and Linux.


Soma MVC is an open source project and SomaUI, if not open source, is completely free to use. Your donations help me continue its development, involve more people and provide a better tool.

What is Soma Protest?

Soma Protest is a Flash Site that has deux purposes, the first is providing more explanation how to use the framework Soma, and the second is providing you a site sample. Soma Protest has been built with Soma and the sources are available, you can get them and compile, see the actionscript classes, the framework, the XML and how I'm using it.

Where do I get the sources?

Right here on the SVN repository (source tab), or click here.

Want to see a demo?

Here is a video tutorial to get started with SomaUI.

And this is a tutorial about the MovieClip Page Mode.


More Help or feedback?

You can post on the soundstep forums, I'll help as much as I can. And for feedback an email is always welcome.

Follow me on Twitter for live update!


Soma is an AS3 framework, so it requires that you code in this Actionscript version.

To launch and use SomaUI, you need:

Happy Development.


Project Information

soma somaui mvc as3 actionscript flash layoutframework somaprotest somaloader baseui