NOTE - there is a major bug with v3.3.0 of the library - a fix is in the works, but will not be posted until 01/31/2012. Please use v3.2.0 of the code until then. Thanks for your patience.
For the latest project updates, be sure to follow us on Twitter @SimpleLinkedIn.
Also, if you are using the library on a live site/project, get in touch with me for some free press - I'll be promoting companies/sites that are using the library in the near future.
This PHP class is designed to be a simple, stand-alone wrapper for the most-used functionality of the LinkedIn API platform. Along with the stand-alone OAuth PHP library, you should have LinkedIn API connectivity up in just minutes. The PHP cURL library is the only pre-requisite for this library; an exception will be thrown if it is not found.
Simple-LinkedIn has been designed for, and tested on, PHP5.2+. Due to the object model changes made from PHP4 -> PHP5 it has not been tested and is not expected to work on PHP4. If someone wants to take the code and back-port it to PHP4, feel free to do so and let me know!
Advantages of this Library
By using a stand-alone OAuth/LinkedIn API solution like this, you don't need to install any server/PHP extensions, which usually require some form of root access (not available on many hosts). Simply upload the files, pop-in your API keys and away you go.
Latest Release
The latest stable version of the library can be found in the left-hand column under 'Featured', or under the 'Downloads' tab above.
Release Notes
For a full run-down of the latest version, be sure to read the Release Notes.
Quick Start
Get up and running quickly using the Quick Start Guide.
Live Demo
A working live demo of the library can be found here:
Note that the demo pages are subject to the same LinkedIn-enforced throttling limits that your applications are, so if traffic is heavy on a given day you may get throttling notices.
Change Log
A full list of changes by version can be found on the project Change Log.
Known Issues
All current known bugs/issues are located under the 'Issues' tab. If you find a bug or deficiency, please open a bug report!
If your environment already has the PECL OAuth extension installed, this library is not for you. The OAuth library used by the Simple-LinkedIn class is not compatible with the PECL library. Simple-LinkedIn will raise an exception if the PECL OAuth library is enabled on the server.
Development Release
The latest development release can be found under the 'Source' tab and accessed via Subversion (SVN). Note: the development release is just that; development code that is not suitable for a production environment.
Spread the Word
If you are using the class, indicate it on Ohloh and help spread the word about this free open-source library by clicking the 'I Use It' button below!
<wiki:gadget url="http://www.ohloh.net/p/588064/widgets/project_users_logo.xml" height="43" border="0"/>
Project Information
- License: MIT License
- 58 stars
- svn-based source control