
An AS3/Flash XMPP Library by Seesmic

Seesmic-AS3-XMPP is an all new XMPP 1.0 compliant library for Flash 9+. It features an easy to understand event-driven style, starttls support (using a modified Hurlant TLS lib), and a plugin based architecture for easy extending.

We encourage you to use this with the Seesmic XMPP API.

About the Author

Nathan Fritz wrote and currently maintains this lib under the employ of Seesmic. He is known for other XMPP libs such as XMPPHP and SleekXMPP.

Howto (in Flex Builder)

  1. Install Subclipse

Help -> Software Updates -> Find and Install -> Search for new features to install -> Subclipse

  1. Create new project for hurlant_tls, seesmic-as3-xmpp, and demo.

File -> New -> Other -> SVN ->
File -> New -> Other -> SVN ->
File -> New -> Other -> SVN ->

  1. Link hurlant and seesmic-as3-xmpp libraries to the demo.

Right click demo -> Properties -> Flex Build Path -> Library Path -> Add Project -> seesmic-as3-xmpp
Add Project -> hurlant_tls

  1. Run the demo.

Highlight Flex Navigator -> demo -> src -> main.mxml
Press F11.
Set your Jabber ID: user@server.tld (you can include a resource)
Set your password.
Set your server (if different from JID). For Google Talk, use
Click Connect.

Project Information

  • License: GNU GPL v2
  • 66 stars
  • svn-based source control

XMPP Jabber Seesmic AS3 Flash TwhiX