
A faster, lighter and greater PHP framework with ease of modern web features!

NOTICE: This project has been set to discontinued and for read-only archiving. It's latest successor is called Packfire Framework for PHP, at If you wish to continue your support please do help out at Packfire Framework.

Samstyle PHP Framework

Sam Yong developed a prototype of this framework in 2008 for use with many applications. However it was only until 28 July 2009 that he decided to fully develop and open source this framework.

Current Stable Version: Samstyle PHP Framework v1.2.11
Download the most latest version using the Featured Downloads on the right or visit the Downloads page.
Current development version: v1.3.2 Beta

Notice: If you are using 1.2.10 or earlier, you are highly advised to update the framework to 1.2.11. Various bugs has been fixed. See Project Log.


Samstyle PHP Framework is a faster, lighter, and ever greater PHP framework that is prepared for development in modern web environment.

It has the set of tools, functions and methods ready for web development. Be it email validation, template handling, error management, flexibility, content management, or speed, it is far superior.

The project aims to develop a fast, greatly optimized, scalable and easy-to-understand framework for PHP.


Samstyle PHP Framework has the following features:

  • Library of functions and support for various PHP versions from 4.4.2 onwards.
  • Model-View-Control-Database-Engine-Core (MVC with DEC) Framework model.
  • Quickly config, deploy and use - no installation required, on any server
  • Easy integration with other APIs, libraries, and applications.
  • Is Open Source, and uses Open Source technologies
  • Framework heavily tested using Simple Test Unit
  • Table Data Gateway and DRY policy
  • Support for AJAX (jQuery), Server-side Cache, Session Security, Input validation, Paging
  • Database Access Layer (DBA) that assists persistence to MySQL, SQLite or SQLite3 databases.
  • JS and CSS Pre-processor that helps to reduce DNS calls and optimize loading
  • Lightweight: the framework (no add-ons and content) is less than 50 KB.
  • Call PHP functions with Javascript through the use of AJAX (after v1.2.6)
  • Firebug debugging for server side (after v1.2.10 Stable)
  • Managed & Easy URL routing without the need to understand how to configure HTACCESS file (after v1.2.12 Alpha).


Downloads will contain stable versions of the Samstyle PHP Framework, documentations, reading articles and other resources you might need.

BETA, or under development/testing versions of Samstyle PHP Framework are marked respectively (i.e. Alpha, BETA, RC). You may download these versions, but they might fail or have vulnerabilities.

Add-on modules to your application that is using Samstyle PHP Framework are also put up on the Downloads page with the label Add-On.


The Wiki contains documentation on the framework. Note that the documentation may include non-released features (i.e. not found in the Stable versions), also may include old or deprecated features.

We're also looking for people who are able to give their time to volunteer and help us in documenting Samstyle PHP Framework.

Bug Reports

For all bug reports, issues, feature requests and so on, please send them to the Issues section. We will work on them as soon as we can.

Project Information

php samstyle samyong framework library MVC model api web application light fast optimized scalable