By view point of parallelism, sometimes we access .png files by multiple threads simultaneously. Current pngcs implementation prevents things from working properly because OpenFileForReading method in FileHelper performs Read/Write (calling FileStream(String, FileMode) constructor without passing third argument; FileAccess, result in R/W access) and perform locks on files.
So, I propose applying the following patch on FileHelper.cs
- isx = new FileStream(file, FileMode.Open);
- isx = new FileStream(file, FileMode.Open, FileAccess.Read);
Comment #1
Posted on Nov 9, 2013 by Quick MonkeyJust forgot to note. Please refer to for more detail about FileStream constructor behaviour.
Comment #2
Posted on Jul 16, 2015 by Massive GiraffeHad the exact same problem with the component and fixed the code thanks to your comment. I my case the file was placed on a network drive and FileAccess.Read was the only way to open the file for reading.
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