
A multi-thread plurk backup tool to backup all your plurks.

The project has been moved to GitHub


Plurk has released its own backup function (for those with Karma > 50 and registered for over 90 days). Its results are pretty neat but the whole backup process seems to take quite long (it took about a day for the backup of my nearly-3000 plurks to deliver to my mailbox; this plurackup tool takes just a few minutes).


This is a plurk backup tool written in python, which backups all your plurks. The tool is multi-threaded with several threads to download plurks and responses simultaneously, speeding up the backup process.

This tool is intended for personal use. You need your login credentials to backup your plurks. Also, only plurks by you will be backed-up; those from your friends and whom you follow will not be backed-up.

The project incorporates the plurklib library. It is both python 2 and python 3-compatible (python 2.7 recommended).

Quick Guide


  • You need your own Plurk API key to use this tool. Get yours at Plurk's official API page.
  • Insert your Plurk API key in's _apiKey variable. Alternatively, input your Plurk API key after you run the script.


  • Run the python script: python

  • Select output format by inputting:
    • X for XML, which stores content_raw, without any emoticons or thumbnails for videos, is suitable for further parsing, and is not very human-readable.
    • H for HTML, which stores human-readable contents, with emoticons and thumbnails for videos. Links are <a>-tagged too.
    • B for both formats.
  • Input timezone offset for HTML format:
    • If you select the HTML output format, a timezone offset can be applied to the fetched timestamps. Plurk server stores timestamps in UTC.
    • This backup tool tries to automatically determine a correct timezone offset, but you may override the default value.
    • Format is ±hh:mm, and acceptable values go like: 8:00, +3:30, -1:15
  • Enter the output filename
    • .xml and/or .html will be appended. Just press enter if you wish to use your plurk username as the filename.
    • Existing files will be overwritten
  • Type in your login credentials. Your password will not be shown on the screen; your login credentials will be sent through HTTPS encrypted.
  • Backup progress will be indicated. After fetching, your complete plurk backup will be saved in the filename indicated .


  • As always, I appreciate your using this tool and any feedback is welcomed.
  • A stylesheet file will be needed for the HTML format to facilitate pretty output. A default style.css is included in this project package; the content of the stylesheet will be copied into the output HTML during the back-up process and is not needed for final browsing.
  • You can also specify your own CSS file in

  • I wish to provide GUI frontend in the future.

Project Information

python plurk backup