
PHP Encoder (Obfuscator) written in C# for .Net 2.0

A basic PHP encoder that will rename your variables, functions and classes, as well as remove whitespace and comments.

This project contains a GUI that can create project files and encode PHP. There is also a command line interface that can open the project file and encode the PHP source code pointed to by the project.

PHP Obfuscator is an unsupported PHP Encoder released by Raizlabs Corporation. Raizlabs makes no guarantees or claims regarding the performance or functionality of this application. This application is being developed with a very specific set of PHP source code in mind for encoding and obfuscation, so your results with your own PHP source code may vary based on the syntax and coding style used.

This obfuscator will not work on PHP code in which PHP variable names are derived from HTML


tags. Use gloabl variables such as $_REQUEST, $_POST or $_GET to access your HTML form data._

Additional information and binary download for Windows is available from:

Project Information

  • License: GNU GPL v2
  • 27 stars
  • svn-based source control

PHP Encoder Obfuscator C .Net Encode Obfuscate