
PHP Anti-XSS Library


PHP Anti-XSS Library developing for prevent the XSS(Cross Site Scripting) vulnerabilities on the web applications. PHP Anti-XSS Library automatically detect the encoding of the data that you want filter and if you wish its encoding your data again. Also there are 3 type of filtering option.

Filter Options

  • Blacklist Filtering: Compares the data with a blacklist that you specify.
  • Whitelist Filtering: In the case of a data that does not conform to the type of data you've specified that does not allow the use of the data.
    • Data Types: "number", "string", "everything" and "default" (only number and string)
  • Graylist Filtering: Both methods are used together.


  • Example 1: Setting the encoding of the data

    Ex1: $data = AntiXSS::setEncoding($data, "UTF-8");

  • Example 2: Setting the filter for the data

    Ex2: $data = AntiXSS::setFilter($data, "whitelist", "string");


  • Current Version: 1.2b

Project Information

php anti-xss phpanti-xss