Pentoo Linux can be used as an overlay bringing a full set of tools and settings to an existing stable Gentoo setup.
Adding the overlay
Update the portage to the latest version
emerge --sync
Make sure that layman and subversion are installed
emerge app-portage/layman subversion
Update list of overlays
layman -L
Add Pentoo overlay
layman -a pentoo
Add proper keywords/use flags and other settings. There are 3 options:
Option 1: Use one of Pentoo profiles
List all available profiles
eselect profile list
Select an appropriate Pentoo profile for your current setup
eselect profile set pentoo:pentoo/hardened/linux/amd64
Option 2: Use the "overlay" subprofile (gentoo profile + keywords/use files)
Remove an old profile
rm /etc/portage/make.profile mkdir -p /etc/portage/make.profile
Create the /etc/portage/make.profile/parent file with the following context:
switch to that profile
env-update && source /etc/profile
Option 3: Manual
Create symlinks for necessary keywords/use files:
ln -s /var/lib/layman/pentoo/profiles/pentoo/base/package.accept_keywords/net-analyzer /etc/portage/package.keywords ln -s /var/lib/layman/pentoo/profiles/pentoo/base/package.use/dev-ruby /etc/portage/package.use
Check changes and adjust other settings if required
See the next section for examples
emerge -DNupv world
Install the entire Pentoo
emerge -DNu pentoo
or choose a separate package
emerge -DNu pentoo-wireless ```
Adjusting settings
To merge the overlay with your current setup smoother, additional changes can be made in a usual Gentoo way by modifying files in the /etc/portage directory. For example, you can disable additional wireless drivers by adding a file to the /etc/portage/package.use/ directory with the following content:
pentoo/pentoo -bluetooth
pentoo/pentoo-wireless -drivers
and disable unrequired global flags in the make.conf file:
USE="-bluetooth -gps -caps -livecd -ldap"
See the official Gentoo handbook for more details
Updating the overlay
The updating procedure is the same as described in the Pentoo Updater section
Removing the overlay
Uninstall whatever was installed ``` emerge -C pentoo
or a separate package
emerge -C pentoo-wireless ```
If you installed multiple individual packages, use the following command to get the list:
cd /var/db/pkg ; for x in */* ; do [[ -f "${x}/repository" ]] && echo ${x} cat ${x}/repository ; done | grep pentoo
Clean up the system and remove the overlay from your repository:
emerge --depclean
layman -d pentoo