
OWLED related activities

This is the primary workspace of the OWLED series of workshops.

This project contains the first major output of OWLED: the specification of OWL 1.1. OWL 1.1 was submitted to the W3C and now serves as the major input to the OWL working group. Accordinging, all unresolved issues have been migrated to the OWL WG tracker. Discussion is still taking place on the W3C mailing list, public-owl-dev (see the archives). Bug reports about OWL 1.1 should be directed to the OWL Working Group.

We'll still monitor the issues list, but the drafts here will be getting increasingly stale as the working group progresses.

The issues list can be used to register issues against various task forces.


Project Information

OWL descriptionlogics semanticweb W3C