
Tools and Scripts to administer MySQL and other open source database systems

opensource-db-tools is a set of open source command line scripts like maatkit that will help database developers and administrators perform day-to-day database tasks easily and efficiently. In order to simplify the process of writing these scripts I have used gearman job server to distribute jobs across multiple workers (aka multiprocessing).


all-schemas helps developers/administrators run multiple SQL statements on all/selected databases on a MySQL db server.

Example 1:

To SELECT all rows from all tables named t in all databases (except mysql, information_schema, d1):

python2.7 --user=<db username> --password=<db user password> --host=<db host or IP address> -e "SELECT * FROM dahi" "SELECT * FROM t" -i mysql information_schema d1


``` ------------------t5 - Returned/Affected = 1/1 ------------------ id 1

------------------test - Returned/Affected = 0/0 ------------------

------------------test - Returned/Affected = 4/4 ------------------ id None None None geeksww ```

Example 2:

The command below creates a new table test and inserts a new row in it in all databases except mysql, information_schema, and main.

sudo /opt/python-2.7/bin/python --user=admin --password=admin --host= -e "CREATE TABLE test (id INT(10), name VARCHAR(50))" "INSERT INTO test (id, name) VALUES (1, 'opensource-db-tools')" -i mysql information_schema main

You can SELECT rows in the new table in all databases mysql, information_schema, and main.

sudo /opt/python-2.7/bin/python --user=admin --password=admin --host= -e "SELECT * FROM test" -i mysql information_schema main ``` ------------------Db1 - Returned/Affected = 1/1 ------------------ id name 1 opensource-db-tools

------------------stage - Returned/Affected = 1/1 ------------------ id name 1 opensource-db-tools

------------------test - Returned/Affected = 1/1 ------------------ id name 1 opensource-db-tools

------------------tmp - Returned/Affected = 1/1 ------------------ id name 1 opensource-db-tools ```

Project Information

mysql opensource postgresql database tools script python free rdbms administration monitoring schema systems linux Unix