nullDC was a sega dreamcast emulator for win86 and is now archived at github (https://github.com/skmp/nulldc)
Work is now done on reicast (https://github.com/reicast/reicast-emulator), and while nullDC is still a better choice for dreamcast emulation on windows/x86 reicast is where future development is. Come and help us!
~skmp, aka drk||Raziel
nullDC is an open source Dreamcast emulator
Builds require the Visual C++ 2010 and DirectX 9c Runtimes.
You can fetch the Visual C++ 2010 Runtimes from: http://www.microsoft.com/downloads/details.aspx?displaylang=en&FamilyID=a7b7a05e-6de6-4d3a-a423-37bf0912db84
You can fetch the DirectX 9c Runtimes from: http://www.microsoft.com/downloads/details.aspx?familyid=2DA43D38-DB71-4C1B-BC6A-9B6652CD92A3&displaylang=en
If you get errors when attempting to start the emulator you might have old and/or different versions of the runtimes mentioned earlier. In that case you will have to install the said runtimes from the links above.
All source revisions (and compiled builds of those revisions) are in a constant Work In Progress status unless explicitly stated otherwise.
In simple words, this is pre-alpha quality software at best and various parts in it might be broken at any given time.
If concerned about the reliability, usability and stability of the software as an end-user it's recommended to refrain from using it until BETA, Release Candidate and Stable releases become available.
The issue tracker is for bug reports and feature requests ONLY! User issues not falling into these categories will be ignored, invalidated and/or deleted. If you need help running the emulator then it would be better to seek support on a nullDC related forum such as this one: http://forums.ngemu.com/nulldc-discussion/
Due to extended abuse of the issue tracker and the code reviewing feature those features are now disabled indefinitely for non-members. If you want to submit bugs and contribute to the project you can visit #nullDC on EFnet using an IRC (Internet Relay Chat) client such as mIRC and ask to become a project member. Have a nice day.