Frequently Asked Questions (FAQ) - LOTE
Q: When I want to use Chinese (or Korea/Japanese) encoding and font, executing command `mrxvt -km gb -mfont fontname' is not working! For example, it complains that -km is a bad option.
A: Most probably, you have not enabled gb/big5/kanji/korea options when you configure the mrxvt. These options are turned off by default. Reconfigure mrxvt to enable these options and rebuild it like the following:
$ ./configure --enable-cjk --enable-whatever-other-options
$ make
$ su
$ make install
Q: How do I input Chinese (or Korea/Japanese) in mrxvt?
A: First of all, you need to to enable the language options for Chinese/Korea/Japanese as the above question when you configure mrxvt. You also needs to enable the XIM option (--enable-xim).
Then make sure you have correctly setup and started the XIM server, like
SCIM, Chinput, fcitx, etc.
Next, set the correct locale for mrxvt. You only need to set the environment
variable LC_CTYPE. But after you set it, make sure that the environment
variable LC_ALL is not set.
Finally, set the correct X resources in ~/.mrxvtrc file as the followling.
Remember the value of inputMethod is case sensitive.
mrxvt*multichar_encoding: GB
mrxvt*inputMethod: SCIM
Q: I execute mrxvt with CJK encoding and X11 fonts. But sometimes CJK characters are not display completely, or there are some extra pixels left after the CJK characters.
A: This is a known issue for displaying CJK characters using X11 fonts. Mrxvt requires that the width of each CJK character (mfont) be twice as the width of each english character (font). If this condition is not met, mrxvt may display CJK characters with some problems. For example, if you choose 6x12 as the font, and the SimSun font as the mfont, but the width of the SimSun font is 13, you will get in trouble. In particular, let us assume that you want to display a string "XXabc", where "XX" represents a single Chinese character. With SimSun font, the width of "XX" is 13, but mrxvt thinks it is 12 (= 2 * 6)!!! Thus, when "abc" is displayed, two pixels of "XX" will be overwritten by "a"! There are two solutions to this issue. One is to carefully choose the font and mfont such that the width of mfont is twice of the font. The other is to use freetype font, where we have a special handling to avoid this problem.
Q: Does mrxvt support UTF-8 locale/encoding method?
A: Not now. This is a planned work and hopefully will be supported in the next development branch (0.5.x).
Q: I use UTF-8 as default encoding method, but mrxvt does not support it. So can I start mrxvt with other encoding method, e.g., zh_CN.GB2312 without changing the default encoding method?
A: No problem! You can start mrxvt like the following if you use bash/ksh/sh:
LC_CTYPE=zh_CN.GB2312 mrxvt &
If you use csh, try the following
env LC_CTYPE=zh_CN.GB2312 mrxvt &