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mockito - RelatedProjects.wiki

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A Spring framework extension that simplifies creation of the mocks in the spring xml context files, ex: <mockito:mock class="java.util.Date" id="mockedDate" /> <mockito:spy id="beanToBeSpied" /> https://bitbucket.org/kubek2k/springockito/wiki/Home


An Spring framework extension that pushes former approach even further - all the configuration is annotations based - no need to create special mock overriding contexts. More info here: https://bitbucket.org/kubek2k/springockito/wiki/springockito-annotations


Project to investigate the possibility of injecting objects into Collections using generics to determine which objects and mock especially can be placed into the Collections. ``` @InjectMocks private MyDelegate delegate; @Mock private MyListener listener1; @Mock private MyListener listener2;

@Before public void setup() { MockitoCollectionAnnotations.inject(this);} ``` See here to read more : https://github.com/jameskennard/mockito-collections/