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Mockito In Use

Here're just some projects that use Mockito in late 2010. Some entries were contributed by users; some come from analysis of Mockito dependencies in the maven central repository. The list might be out of date but it can give you a feel about the user base. We don't intend to keep the list 100% accurate every day. Feel free to comment.

Some more projects:

Scala projects: * Akka project - http://akkasource.org/ - An actor based concurrency event-driven library * specsy - http://github.com/orfjackal/specsy - BDD-style unit testing framework for Scala * specs - http://code.google.com/p/specs/ - a BDD library for Scala * Lift - http://liftweb.net/ - web framework for Scala

Companies/Commercial products: * Atlassian use it for Confluence and maybe other products : http://blogs.atlassian.com/developer/2009/01/how_to_make_writing_unit_tests.html * Adaptivist who create Confluence plugins : https://www.adaptavist.com/display/~jmcgivern/2010/05/09/Unit+Testing+JIRA+with+PowerMock+for+Mockito * Grid Dynamics a grid computing company : http://blog.griddynamics.com/2010/03/mocking-with-mockito-and-powermock.html * Altkom Software and Consulting - http://asc.altkom.pl/ - "We were under the impression of features offered by Mockito and the ability to write test code in a clear, short and readable way. After the evaluation in some real projects with a large number of tests Mockito proved its usefulness and was widely adopted by our TDD i Clean Code oriented teams. It was chosen as a base mocking framework for our applications develop in Java."

And many, many others...