
Flash/Flex/AIR AS3 Framework for the massive loading (MassLoad)

Massive Loading API

The target of the Masapi is to provide a complete framework dedicated to the management of the massive loading into a flash/flex application. It is designed to be as easy as possible to use but also to be as flexible as possible.

There are the main features that the framework supports : * Same interface for all load managers (URLLoader, Loader, ...) * Easy massive loading classes * Advanced massive loading (priority, dependencies) * Advanced massive loading management (loading policy, loading information, ...)

Useful links : * Quick Start guide * User Guide * Online API Reference (2.0) * Online API Reference (1.5) * Google group

Other links : * French tutorials * Report a bug * SVN updates

Current version (April, 18 2010)

The current version is 2.0RC2 (r185). The old stable version is 1.5.

Here are Other bundles.

Project Information

Flash ActionScript MassLoad MassiveLoading Flex File AS3 Loading External Files API Dynamic Data Download AIR