JustSit is designed to help you meditate. It currently runs timers for preparation to meditate and meditation, and allows you to turn off audible ringing and/or the device radios, and keep the screen on while the timer is running.
The name is inspired by the saying,
"If you walk, just walk, if you sit, just sit, but whatever you do, don't wobble." -Zen Master Unmon
Scan this QR Code with your Android phone to pull up JustSit in the market:
( Thanks to saurik for the QR code image file from the app's Cyrket page. )
The Tibetan Bowl sounds used in this application are derived from the recording available here. It is licensed under the Creative Commons Sampling Plus 1.0 License.
Project Information
- License: GNU GPL v3
- Content License: Creative Commons 3.0 BY
- 15 stars
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