

jQuery json2form Plugin * version: 2.0 (2012-03-01)

  • Copyright (c) 2011, Crystal, shimingxy@163.com
  • Dual licensed under the MIT and GPL licenses:
  • http://www.opensource.org/licenses/mit-license.php
  • http://www.gnu.org/licenses/gpl.html
  • Date: 2012-03-01 rev 2

json2form Plugin based jquery,Simple and util Utility 、OpenSource and FREE.

javascript object or json value transform to html form element value.

support local data and remort data using Ajax

when object or json property name equal to html element attribute name,fill value to element.

support element input[text password hidden button reset submit checkbox radio]and select textarea

support element init,checkbox radio select and lable.


http://blog.163.com/shimingxy/ any questions ,you can visite

download source:


json2form Plugin基于JQuery框架,简单实用,基于开源免费。




支持表单元素input [text password hidden button reset submit checkbox radio] 和 select textarea

支持初始化表单元素,checkbox radio select 和 lable.




在网页的头加入js ```

Unknown end tag for </script>

Unknown end tag for </script>

Unknown end tag for </head>


Unknown end tag for </form>

Unknown end tag for </body>

Unknown end tag for </html>



var json2fromdata ={ txt:'文字输入', pwd:'密码输入', hd:'隐藏', are:'多行文字json2form', btn:'按钮', rt:'重置按钮', sb:'提交按钮', rad:'男', chk:'chk1', chk:['美国','中国'], sl:['法国','日本'], label:{ txt:'自定义文本框标签', sl :'自定义下拉列表标签' }, init:{ chk444:[ {'value':'comm','display':'一般资源'}, {'value':'system','display':'系统'}, {'value':'page','display':'页面'}, {'value':'url','display':'链接'}, {'value':'model','display':'模块'}, {'value':'data','display':'数据'}], chk555:[{'value':'comm','display':'一般资源'}, {'value':'system','display':'系统'}, {'value':'page','display':'页面'}, {'value':'url','display':'链接'}, {'value':'model','display':'模块'}, {'value':'data','display':'数据'}], slinit:[{'value':'comm','display':'一般资源'}, {'value':'system','display':'系统'}, {'value':'page','display':'页面'}, {'value':'url','display':'链接'}, {'value':'model','display':'模块'}, {'value':'data','display':'数据'}] } }; ``` 1、对象的属性名必须和表单元素name的值对应/object property equal to html element attribute name

2、checkbox select对应的值可以为字符数组,表示多选/if multiple choice,checkbox select value can be string array,

3、label初始化label,label对象的属性必须和表单元素for的值对应/object lable property initialize html label by for value

4、init初始化checkbox radio select,init对象的属性必须和表单元素name的值对应,init对象为对象数组,value为值,display为显示名称

/object init property initialize checkbox radio select,init property initialize html element by attribute name,init is array,value and display

5、init初始化checkbox radio select使用ajax,checkbox radio select有url的属性,则读取url的数据进行初始化。

/initialize checkbox radio select use ajax,if checkbox radio select has url attribute ,read url data initialize html element.

本地调用/local data ```

$("#json2form").json2form({data:json2fromdata}); 远程调用/remote data

$("#json2form").json2form({url:"http://...",data:{id:"json2form",name:"json2form"}}); 1、支持浏览器/supported browsers are: Internet Explorer 6+ * Mozilla Firefox 3+ Google Chrome 2、未测试浏览器/UnTest browsers are: Safari 3+ Opera 9+}}}

Project Information

The project was created on Mar 3, 2011.

JavaScript jQuery