Showing dump result in a pop-up window makes you available to: * search for a needed string using browser search functionality * save result and keep it as a reference * execute parameter-less inner functions * manage dumps of multiple objects as pages * use it in mobile development
1. browser should allow popups
1. variable __jqdump__
exposed to the DOM after first dump call
``` // dump navigator properties $.dump( window.navigator, /* any object to dump / 1, / optional dump depth, default: 2 / "window.navigator" / optional label */ );
// dump element selected by the jQuery selector $("#element").dump();
// same as $.dump($("#element"), 2, "(#element)");
// this may be used to disable all following function calls $.dump("off"); ```
- multiple object dumping due to asynchronous nature of window.open()
- if detected that pop-up is blocked, then dump content may be shown in same window
- managed dump depth via function parameter (default: 2)
- option to continue explore the dump if object property nesting exceeds the dump depth
- object properties sorted in alphabetical order
- collapse/expand nested objects
- using dump depth with collapsible interface eliminates cyclic object reference mess
- build-in syntax highlight for common JavaScript data types
- clicking on the property name displays alert box with full property path, use Ctrl+C to copy to clipboard
- clicking on the function name executes it (parameters not handled) and displays result in another pop-up, in case of exception, exception wrapper will be shown
- if JavaScript engine permits - total number of accepted by function arguments will be shown
- if JavaScript engine denies read access to the property value - exception message is shown alongside property name
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Project Information
The project was created on Dec 13, 2011.
- License: GNU Lesser GPL
- 2 stars
- git-based source control