
JQuery Mobile wrapper for GWT

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JQuery Mobile wrapper for GWT

Jqm4gwt is a project that wraps the JQuery Mobile framework into a library that can be used in a GWT application. This allows GWT developers to develop mobile web pages with all the benefits of jQuery Mobile without having to hand code javascript. In addition, projects that currently leverage GWT can add a mobile channel with ease.

This project is currently in beta release. The project does work and can be used, but the feature set is incomplete and there will likely be some public API changes.

Jqm4gwt also provides a useful form framework that enables rapid prototyping of form pages, including ajax submission and validation. See http://code.google.com/p/jqm4gwt/wiki/FormFramework

Examples and Demos

Examples and demos are hosted on a google app engine instance here: http://jqm4gwt.appspot.com/examples.html

These include the typical hello world, a show case of JQuery Mobile widgets, and a JSON example showing and updating a JQuery Mobile page with the twitter public timeline.

Full example source code is available from the examples repository. http://examples.jqm4gwt.googlecode.com/hg/

Getting Started

Read the quick start guide. You will need to be familiar with GWT already.

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Other Projects

If you are looking for a GWT wrapper for the desktop jQuery UI then gwtquery-ui is where to look.
For a GWT wrapper of JQuery then gwtquery is where to go.

Project Information

The project was created on May 12, 2011.

GWT jQuery Java JavaScript JQueryMobile