
A pure Java JPEG 2000 image codec


This project is a JPEG 2000 encoder/decoder written in pure Java. Its goal is to be a reference implementation of (at least) part 1 of the JPEG 2000 specification.

The code here originally came from version 5.1 of JJ2000 as downloaded from this website: http://jpeg2000.epfl.ch/. However, that code is incomplete, has bugs, has performance issues, and has memory-usage issues. So a Google Code project was created so that modifications and improvements could be made.


Currently this project has project files for Ant and for Maven. For either one, we assume the following: * You have some flavor of JDK already installed on your computer. * You have the JAVA_HOME environment variable set to the root directory of your JDK. * JAVA_HOME\bin is in your PATH (i.e. so that typing javac from a command line succeeds).


  • Download and install Ant as described on their web page. (Basically, this amounts to unzipping the Ant distribution somewhere and adding Ant's bin directory to your PATH.)
  • Check out the source code for this project. (See here.)
  • In a command prompt, issue the command ant from the same directory as the file build.xml. If everything goes well, you should have a freshly compiled jar in the target subdirectory.


  • Download and install Maven as described on their web page here. (Basically, this amounts to unzipping the Maven distribution, setting the M2_HOME environment variable, and putting M2_HOME\bin in your PATH.)
  • Check out the source code for this project. (See here.)
  • In a command prompt, issue the command mvn install from the same directory as the file pom.xml. If everything goes well, you should have a freshly compiled jar in the target subdirectory.

To use the new jar in your other Maven projects, you can now add this dependency to those projects' pom.xml files: <dependency> <groupId>jpeg2000.epfl.ch</groupId> <artifactId>jj2000</artifactId> <version>5.2-SNAPSHOT</version> </dependency>


Maven has the ability to automatically generate Eclipse project files. If this is the first time you've used Maven in a given Eclipse workspace, then (only once for this workspace) you must issue the following command:

mvn -Dworkspace=PATH_TO_WORKSPACE eclipse:configure-workspace

Replace PATH_TO_WORKSPACE with the path to your Eclipse workspace. This sets up Eclipse to know where Maven puts its compiled jars.

Now to generate an Eclipse project, issue the following command:

mvn eclipse:eclipse

Then start up your Eclipse, import an existing project, select the directory where pom.xml lives, and select the newly generated project.

Project Information

jpeg jpeg2000 jp2 jj2000 jj2k