originally developed by kaosu, project page: https://code.google.com/p/interactive-text-hooker
I am updating ITH v3 with recent engine definitions from Visual Novel Reader, much 'fatter' program which does not suit my needs
Do not expect much, I know only basics of C, so there could be unexpected bugs.
I am not going to claim any right to existing code. Use it as you like, and if you can improve it any way - I would be glad to hand over ITH development.
Updated engine code comes from http://sakuradite.com/wiki/en/VNR'>Visual Novel Reader - a project which is actively developed by it's author but the program is too bulky for me (several hundred mbs and unnecessary modules I would never use). I don't claim any author rights to algorithms, it's just a mix of kaosu's and jichi's programs, taking best from each one and trying not to make it in a heavyweight app.
NOTE: this only containg generic engine detection from VNR, in every respect it's the same old buggy ITH
----- copied from original project
Interactive Text Hooker (ITH) is a tool to help you extract text from Japanese games. The extracted text can then be sent to machine translation engine and electronic dictionary. By this approach you can learn Japanese while playing games!
Current stable version is 2.3. 3.0 is now in testing and debugging process. Developers and expert users can download the ITH_Uploader and keep up with the latest version. Common users are recommended to wait for stable version.
- attach to/detach from target process dynamically
- insert/modify/remove hook dynamically
- detect many common game engine
- save actions to profile and automatically perform in the future
- a flexible thread linking mechanism
- detect and remove single character repetition
- on demand suppress repetition
Project Information
The project was created on Feb 6, 2014.
- License: GNU GPL v3
- 2 stars
- svn-based source control