
Arduino based GPS and NAV co-processor with I2C protocol

This module is based on the idea about offloading GPS parsing and calculations from a low powered flight controller processor (AtMega328) * and make all data available via the I2C bus. * Beside of GPS data the module also implement waypoints and pos hold functions. * There are 15 Waypoints (#0 is the RTH position), these waypoints can be set via I2C and module gives back the distance and direction towards the active * waypoint. * Pos hold can overwrite the active waypoint temporary and then can continue toward the last active waypoint. * waypoints also can be set to the current gps position,

Disclaimer : Since I don't see a penny from third party manufacturers i2cgps board versions, i cannot provide support for such boards. The primary supported platform for I2C-GPS-NAV is a pure vanilia arduino mini or nano with direcly attached GPS and sonar modules.

Project Information

The project was created on Jan 16, 2012.

  • License: GNU GPL v3
  • 53 stars
  • svn-based source control

i2c multiwii gps navigation