
Aggregates the status of one ore more jobs from a hudson continous integration server into a single status (red, yellow, green)


This Java based daemon aggregates the status of one ore more jobs from a hudson continous integration server into a single status (red, yellow, green) and invokes a shell script on status change. A sample shell script that switches an Cleware USB traffic light ( is provided.



Hudson Traffic Lights requires at least a Java 5 runtime and $JAVA_HOME has to be set. Clewarecontrol ( has to be set up and working. You can get RPM packages for clewarecontrol for alle major RPM based distributions at:


A deb package for easy installation under Ubuntu/Debian linux is provided.

Manual Installation

  • Unzip the provided zip file into /usr/share/hudsontrafficlights/
  • Copy the sample configuration file from /usr/share/hudsontrafficlights/contrib/hudson_traffic_lights.conf to /etc
  • Copy the init script from /usr/share/hudsontrafficlights/contrib/hudsontrafficlights to /etc/initd.d
  • Ensure that /usr/share/hudsontrafficlights/bin/ and the init script are executable

If you choose another installation directory than /usr/share/hudsontrafficlights make sure to adjust your config file and init script.

See it in action

Project Information

hudson java trafficlights feedback