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harstorage - Installation.wiki

Supported platforms

Test Suite Passes:

  • Ubuntu 10.04, 11.10

  • Mint 12

  • Debian 6.0.3

  • CentOS 6.2

  • Windows XP SP3, Windows 7

Supported browsers

Test Suite Passes:

  • Firefox 3.6, 11.0

  • Chrome 17.0

  • Safari 5.1

  • Opera 11.61

  • IE 8, 9

32-bit limitations

MongoDB uses memory-mapped files. When running on a 32-bit operating system, the total storage size for the server (data, indexes, everything) is 2GB.

If you are running on a 64-bit os, there is virtually no limit to storage size.

Thus 64 bit production deployments are recommended.

Debian/Ubuntu/Mint dependencies

Install the following packages as root:

``` apt-get install mongodb

apt-get install lib32stdc++6 (for 64-bit OS)

apt-get install python

apt-get install python-cairo

apt-get install python-rsvg

apt-get install python-setuptools

easy_install pylons==1.0

easy_install webob==0.9.8

easy_install pymongo ```

CentOS dependencies

Install and start MongoDB

Install the following packages as root:

``` yum install python

yum install pycairo

yum install gnome-python2-rsvg

yum install python-setuptools

easy_install pylons==1.0

easy_install webob==0.9.8

easy_install pymongo ```

Windows dependencies

Install and start MongoDB

Install Python 2.7.2

Don't forget to add Python directories to the system path. For instance: C:\Python27\;C:\Python27\Scripts;

Install PyGTK bundle (All-in-one)

Install pyrsvg

Install setuptools

Finally run in command prompt: ``` easy_install pylons==1.0

easy_install webob==0.9.8

easy_install pymongo ```


Download the latest package. Use easy_install to install downloaded egg file (root privileges are required):

easy_install harstorage-1.0-py2.7.egg

Create a skeleton config file for your application instance called production.ini:

paster make-config "harstorage" production.ini

After that run the following command, specifying the config file you want to set up, which in this case is production.ini:

paster setup-app production.ini

Now you can run HAR Storage using the Paste HTTP server:

paster serve production.ini

Upgrade Notes

In case of upgrade to HAR Storage v0.6 downgrade of WebOb may be necessary: easy_install webob==0.9.8

In case of upgrade to HAR Storage v1.0 go to home page (http://localhost:5000/ by default) and wait until the data was migrated.

Also check that you are using exactly Pylons 1.0: easy_install pylons==1.0

It really makes sense to backup your test results before upgrade.


Once the production.ini file is created, you can customize it for your particular deployment.

Web server options
  • host, port - these specify the IP address and port the server should listen on for requests. If you want to serve an application on all interfaces, you will need to change the host option to

    MongoDB options
  • mongo_host - IP address MongoDB database.

  • mongo_port - port of MongoDB database.
  • mongo_db - name of database.
  • mongo_auth - this can be true or false. If true, MongoDB authentication is enabled (false by default).
  • mongo_user - user name for authentication.
  • mongo_pswd - password for authentication.

  • debug - this can be true or false. If true, the interactive debugger is enabled to allow you to track down problems (false by default).


Sometimes it makes sense to redirect application output to log file using --log-file option: paster serve production.ini --log-file production.log


You can also customize chart theme via Preference menu at the top right corner of the browser window.

Page Speed integration (optional)

There are prepared binaries for two platforms: * Windows x86 * Linux x86

You can download them here.

In order to create own file you should meet prerequisites for your platfrom.

The next step is installation of depot-tools.

Now you are ready to build Page Speed library. pagespeed_bin or pagespeed_bin.exe is the only required file.

If you want to enable Page Speed integration change permissions of pagespeed_bin file (Linux only): chmod +x pagespeed_bin

and modify configuration file production.ini: * ps_enabled - this can be true or false. If true, Page Speed integration in enabled. * bin_store - this parameter specifies base path to pagespeed_bin executable (by default this option is equal to the directory of configuration file production.ini).