
Library providing easy to use cross-platform browser 3D capabilities to Google Web Toolkit (GWT) projects. Requires Google O3D plugin download


Okay so i have been super backlogged at work, which my open source work takes a backseat to. i wish i had like 32 hours a day, but i dont. I have done a bunch more research, and put alot more thought into how and what to code up into gwt-o3d first. I hope to have a much more expansive release by the end of august, this will include more expansive object and model creation and loading, in addition more automatic resource loading, and dynamic shader loading, i would also like to code up some basic shader libraries as well. thank you for your patience :)


Library providing easy to use cross-platform browser 3D capabilities to Google Web Toolkit (GWT) projects. Requires Google O3D plugin download


This project's goal is to translate Google O3D functionality into a portable Google Web Toolkit (GWT) module. This project is currently in its incubation, and is actively looking for developers wishing to progress this projects goals.


  • O3D provides cross browser high level 3D rendering
  • Advanced Shaders and Renderers
  • Dynamically loaded resources and models via AJAX
  • High Level Texture maps
  • Standard 3D modeler complient (IE. COLLADA, 3DMAX, MAYA, ETC..)


This project is broken down into four child projects, Test, Module, Docs, and Dev respectfully. Each contributes an equal amount to the entire project. Test, enables developers to debug, experiment, and benchmark o3d code written in the gwt framework. Module is the actual GWT module which external projects import, to gain O3D's functionality. Docs contains all of the API documentation, preferred practices, naming conventions, etc. Dev will be an external edit, debug, and test suite. This could take the form of executable binaries or browser plugins, which has still yet to be. Please note that the dev child project is currently not part of the trunk, as it can not be worked on until the first stable release of the GWT Module.


We need samples!!!

Project Information

  • License: GNU GPL v3
  • 20 stars
  • svn-based source control

GWT Module O3D 3D Javascript Java Open3D JS Open3D WebApplication JSNI