Update in 2013-05-26
There are gdb-release that is the last release version of GDB for KGTP http://code.google.com/p/kgtp/'>http://code.google.com/p/kgtp/.
The exec filename that is installed will be "gdb-release". So it will not affect the GDB of current system.
"gdb-release"is the last release version of GDB (current is
Get from Ubuntu PPA
If you use Ubuntu Lucid (10.04) or later version, you can add PPA source to your system and install gdb-release package directly.
Running the following line at a terminal:
sudo add-apt-repository ppa:teawater/gdbt
sudo apt-get update
sudo apt-get install gdb-release
Now you can use gdb-release directly
Following link will tell you more info about it:
Get from openSUSE Build Service (Support CentOS, Fedora, Mandriva, RHEL, SLE, openSUSE)
Goto http://download.opensuse.org/repositories/home:/teawater/'>http://download.opensuse.org/repositories/home:/teawater/ get repo file of your distribution and put it into the directory /etc/yum.repos.d.
Running the following line at a terminal:
sudo yum install gdb-release
Now you can use gdb-release directly
Get binary
You can download GDB binary and use it directly.
Static build binary without python support
This GDB is built in static so you don't need worry about library.
Because libpython have trouble with static build, so it doesn't support python. http://docs.python.org/extending/embedding.html#linking-requirements'>http://docs.python.org/extending/embedding.html#linking-requirements
#Download package
wget http://gdbt.googlecode.com/files/gdb-release-static-x86_64-without-python.tar.bz2
wget http://gdbt.googlecode.com/files/gdb-release-static-x86_64-without-python.md5
#Do check before use it
md5sum -c gdb-release-static-x86_64-without-python.md5
gdb-release-static-x86_64-without-python.tar.bz2: OK
#Uncompress the package
tar vxjf gdb-release-static-x86_64-without-python.tar.bz2
#Now you can use gdb-release directly
#Download package
wget http://gdbt.googlecode.com/files/gdb-release-static-i386-without-python.tar.bz2
wget http://gdbt.googlecode.com/files/gdb-release-static-i386-without-python.md5
#Do check before use it
md5sum -c gdb-release-static-i386-without-python.md5
gdb-release-static-i386-without-python.tar.bz2: OK
#Uncompress the package
tar vxjf gdb-release-static-i386-without-python.tar.bz2
#Now you can use gdb-release directly
Get from source code
Step one: get the source
Get source from git
Install gitFor Ubuntu:
sudo apt-get install git
For Fedora:
sudo yum install git
Get source from git
For gdb-release
git clone -b gdb_7_6-branch git://sourceware.org/git/gdb.git gdb-release
If you don't want to use git, you can download it.
wget http://ftp.gnu.org/gnu/gdb/gdb-7.6.tar.bz2
tar vxjf gdb-7.6.tar.bz2
mv gdb-7.6 gdb-release
Step two: install the packages that build GDB need
You need install gcc, texinfo, m4, flex, bison, ncurses-devel, expat-devel, python-devel
You can use following install these packages in Ubuntu:
sudo apt-get install gcc texinfo m4 flex bison libncurses5-dev libexpat1-dev python-dev
You can use following install these packages in Fedora:
sudo yum install gcc texinfo m4 flex bison ncurses-devel expat-devel python-devel
Step three: build and install
For gdb-release
mkdir bgdbr
cd bgdbr
CFLAGS="-g -O2" CXXFLAGS="-g -O2 -Wall" \
../gdb-release/configure \
--disable-gdbtk --disable-shared --with-system-gdbinit=/etc/gdb/gdbinit \
--enable-tui --with-expat --with-python \
--program-suffix="-release" \
--enable-targets=x86_64-linux,arm-linux,mips-linux --enable-64-bit-bfd \
CFLAGS="-g -O2" CXXFLAGS="-g -O2 -Wall" make all
sudo make install
#Now you can use gdb-release directly
Project Information
The project was created on Aug 18, 2011.
- License: GNU GPL v3
- 4 stars
- git-based source control