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gcmm - Raw_Tools.wiki



RawTools by suloku 2012: http://code.google.com/p/gcmm/downloads/detail?name=RawTools.rar&can=2&q=


This package contains a set of tools for tweaking memory card raw images. Please refer to each tool's readme file for more specific information.

GCHeader.exe: this tool allows to insert the header (block 1) of a raw image into another one. The header contains "unique" card information: the Flash ID and the Serial number.

GCSerial.exe: this tool reads the serial number of a raw image and can insert it onto another raw image. This is useful for serial protected savegames like F-Zero and Phantasy Star Online, but as of 14 september 2012 these games are directly supported by GCMM 1.3.

GCPadder.exe: this tool will change the raw image size to a bigger memory card (a 59 block card can be converted into a 251, 1019 or 2043 block card). This is useful for usage with emulators like dolphin and devolution, and also to restore a raw image to a card of bigger size.

mci2raw.exe: this tool converts MCI card images to RAW and vice versa.

These tools can be combined, here's an example:

Use example

We have memory card A, which is a 59 blocks card, and memory card B, which is a 1019 blocks card. We want to restore a raw image of memory card A into memory card B, but in memory card A we have a serial protected savegame (F-Zero), and we want it to work in our new card.

The process would be the following:

We need: a card image of each memory card.

  • Step 0: If our raw images are in MCI format we should use mci2raw to convert them to a RAW images.
  • Step 1: Now we should use GCPadder to increase memory card's A raw image to a 1019 block image -> "GCpadder.exe MemoryCardA.raw 1019"
  • Step 2: We should now use GCHeader to extract Memory Card's B header file -> "GCHeader.exe MemoryCardB.raw"
  • Step 3: Now we must insert the header file to our padded card's A image -> "GCHeader.exe MemoryCardB.hdr 1019_MemoryCardA.raw"
  • Step 4: Now we must insert the serial number of memory card A into the image generated by GCHeader so our F-Zero savegame will work -> "GCSerial MemoryCardA.raw 1019_MemoryCardA_with_B's_header.raw"

The last raw created will be a 1019 block raw image, with the contents of Memory Card A, the header file of Memory Card B and the serial number of Memory Card A.

Now we can restore this image to the physical memory card with GameCube Memory Manager