- Download the SDK. We currently recommend downloading the source from subversion, as we haven't really made an official release yet.
- Copy the files from the SDK/ directory to your own directory.
- Edit English.lproj/InfoPlist.strings. The CFBundleName is the name that will appear in the menu.
- Edit the setup.py file. You'll want to change the NSPrincipleClass, CFBundleExecutable, and CFBundleName..
- Rename FrontPython.py to match what you named the CFBundleExecutable (followed by the .py)..
- Edit your newly named file, and change the name of the class that overrides PyFR.Appliance to match the name you entered for NSPrincipleClass.
- Run "python setup.py py2app -A". This creates a plugin for you, in the dist directory. It will be named after what you put into CFBundleName (I think, untested)
- Create a symlink in your FrontRow directory: ln -s /dist/
.frappliance /System/Library/CoreServices/Front Row.app/Contents/PlugIns/ 1. Restart Frontrow.
At this point, you should be able to see your plugin in Frontrow.
(this is not finished. Crap I have to go. Saving for now.)