
Solutions to Elements of Programming Interviews: 300 Questions and Solutions http://bit.ly/epibook


Programs have been moved to GitHub

Project Description

This project contains over 250 programs corresponding to solutions to problems in our book "Elements of Programming Interviews". These programs include classics like Dutch National Flag partitioning of an array, and reconstructing a binary tree from traversal data, as well as newer programs that exploit concurrency and heuristics.

Here is the map from book problems to programs.

These are primarily written in C++, and make use of C++11 features. Programs concerned with concurrency are in Java. We wrote and tested these programs on Mac OSX 10.8.5. We use clang++ version 4.2 for C++ and Java 1.6.

From the command line, the command to compile C++ source is clang++ -Weverything -Wno-c++98-compat -Wno-missing-prototypes TargetFile.cpp -stdlib=libc++ -std=c++11 -O4. The Java compile command is javac TargetFile.java.

The Quora forum for the book is linked at http://ElementsOfProgrammingInterviews.com. If you have any questions or suggestions about these problems, please post there. (if you'd prefer to write to us, our contact information is at the same site.)

Adnan, Tsung-Hsien, and Amit

Project Information

The project was created on Nov 9, 2012.

  • License: GNU GPL v3
  • 67 stars
  • svn-based source control

Java Algorithm Mathematics Datastructure Concurrency Facebook Interview Amazon Microsoft Internship Programming CPlusPlus Coding Book