
Discrete Stochastic Models Test Suite


  • 22/8/15: This project has moved to Github, due to Google Code closing down: https://github.com/darrenjw/dsmts

  • 13/11/10: Fixed a few typos in the documentation. Thanks to Sean Mauch for pointing them out.

  • 2/5/10: SBML L3v1 (core) version of the DSMTS is released


Stochastic simulation is a very important tool for Systems Biology modelling. However, it is difficult to check the correctness of a stochastic simulator, since any two realizations from a single model will typically be different.


This is a test suite of stochastic models encoded in the Systems Biology Markup Language (SBML) that have been solved either analytically or using numerical methods. This allows the accuracy of stochastic simulators to be tested against known results. The test suite is already being used by a number of stochastic simulator developers.

Project Information

SBML stochastic systemsbiology modelling mathmatical