Django taxonomy is a taxonomy application for django. It supports translation of terms along with their description.
- translation of terms
- render term (with or without related object previews)
- breadcrumb based on term hierarchy
- render taxonomy term lists (with or without related object count)
- render taxonomy tag cloud
- render taxonomy tag tower
- term specific RSS feeds
- sitemap framework integration
- django admin taxonomy pane to easily organize term relations with drag & drop
- link term to a view (rendering the view instead of the term)
At it's core, the taxonomy application just provide a Term model which can be used in your own model via a foreign key or a many to many field.
But, there's more then that to it! django-taxonomy provides a lot of tool to help you render those relations in your site. Those tool try to be as configurable as possible so one can really control the display of taxonomy related information.
The django-taxonomy modules can also be used as a user configurable menu system for your sites. To that end, an object (the view bridge) was added to the application. When configured and assigned to a term of the taxonomy, the term will return the target view response instead of rendering itself when hit.
It is also possible to have a term render as if it was one of your model instance.
The url of each term is constructed by converting it's name to a slug and hierarchy is taken into acount when building an url. So if term a has a name of 'A Term' and term b, his parent, has a name of 'Parent Term', then the url of term a relative to the taxonomy root would be: parent-term/a-term
Finally, sitemap & rss feeds functionality are provided for integration with your sites rss feeds and sitemap.
Cry for help
The django-taxonomy application is just starting and I need help to continue development, stabilisation, translation in other language and also documentation writing.
Anyone who would like to help is welcome to join the project ;)
0.1-pre-alpha is out.
This version is still filled with bugs.
Definitely not for production. But ready for testing if your kind enough to do so!
You can report any issues you find with it here:
I'm not ready to take any feature request as of now, only bug fixing. When we release a stable version that is production ready, we'll start opening stuff for new features.