
Python program for importing discogs XML dumps to an SQL database

This is a python program for importing the discogs data dumps found at http://www.discogs.com/data/ into a PostgreSQL database.

MySQL or other databases are not supported at the moment, but you are welcome to submit a patch.

Steps to import the datadumps:

Download and extract the data dumps

Create the empty database: createdb -U {user-name} discogs

Import the database schema: psql -U {user-name} -d discogs -f discogs.sql

The XML data dumps often contain control characters and do not have root tags. To fix this run "fix-xml.py release", where release is the release date of the dump, for example 20100201

Finally import the data with "python discogsparser.py release", where release is the release date of the dump, for example 20100201

Project Information

discogs postgresql sql database import python