This project is unsupported, just look at DaVinci CPU's from TI installed into LeopardBoard. They have better functionality, and open-source!
This is a source-code repository for crusher264 library, it based on the reverse-engineered Crusher, CrusherCapture and CrusherHD H264 Encoder stick. It created to implement linux driver for Maxim's MG1264/MG3500 chips.
crusher264 Documentation:
- Hardware Designs
- Crusher
- CrusherCapture
- CrusherHD
- Download
- Build/Install
- Library and applications
- Patching ffmpeg
- Running
- EncoderMode applications
- CaptureMode applications
- Troubleshooting
- Elgato Turbo.264 (MG1264-based) - encoder mode.
- Elgato Turbo.264HD (MG3500-based) - STILL NOT WORKS! (hd-encoder mode). Thanks Florian form deg.net for donating this device.
- ADS RDX-160-EF (MG1264-based) - encoder mode.
- Blackmagic Design Video recorder (MG1264-based) - capture mode.
Encoder-Mode supported by Turbo.264/RDX-160-EF
Capture-Mode supported by "Blackmagic Video recorder".
All what not yet done, may be seen in TODO list.
NEWS 2010-11-05:
- Added environment variable "CRUSHER_DEV" that tells library what device number to use.
- Added new application cruserRTMP, that capable to publish CrusherCapture stream to RTMP servers or dump it to flv file.
NEWS 2010-16-04:
- Now library sends USB-reset to device when it stucked (or does not reply).
- FFmpeg patch updated (add native nv12 support to encoder).
NEWS 2010-28-03:
- Add raw-pcm output from CrusherCapture as wave file.
- Move qbox parser to user-space.
- added usb reset when i/o failed.
- updated ffmpeg-patch (added: qbox demuxer, crushercap-device, updated libcrusher264-encoder).
NEWS 2010-15-03:
- CrusherCapture support added (AAC audio capure supported too).
- added usb reset after encoding finished (fixed hot-starting bug).
NEWS 2009-27-10:
- previous code fully rewritten and publically released as crusher264
- patch for ffmpeg added
Project Information
- License: GNU GPL v2
- 17 stars
- svn-based source control