
this is the code for the Arduino Shield known as the Cool Neon Shield.

( if you are not seeing any pictures, scroll down, there's lots of stuff on this page)

this is the home for the code for the Arduino Shield known as the Cool Neon Shield. it is used for sequencing different patterns of light emitting Cool Neon.

What it is?: it's an attachment for an Arduino Duemilanove ( a very popular DIY electronic computing platform) This attachment I have created is used for turning on and off strands of light up wire called Cool Neon

it is distributed by

This is the exact location where you can get it.

There is also information at

Also can be made to look like a scorpion' />

You may be wondering "what is that strange mark?" That's the new cool neon logo!!!' />

Cuttable Traces' />

Cool neon sequencer development Kit (CoolNeon Shield)

this Sequencer developed by myself Tully Gehan. Is designed to work in combination with an Arduino and an external CoolNeon driver. If you don't know what an Arduino is just type it into the YouTube search bar. And you will see many examples of this highly versatile open-source computing platform. These sequencers are assembled, tested and ready to run. However you need to supply your own Arduino, CoolNeon driver and CoolNeon. Oh yes and power.

Big power switching capability

the switches used are rated for 600 volts at up to 1 amp. So this should work with the biggest drivers. Run 330 feet of CoolNeon per channel no problem.

Opto isolation

The CoolNeon Shield is the only sequencer that has 100% electrical isolation between the digital and AC power lines. These optical isolators use light and light sensors to communicate across these two systems. This allows it to work with even the most electrically noisiest of drivers. In previous designs the Fish driver can throw a pretty severe a voltage spike causing the micro controller to reset and potentially get damaged. The optical isolators I've added are rated for voltage spikes up to 6,000 volts so now it works very well.

Zero crossing detection

the Opto isolators used have built-in zero crossing detection. They actually watch the voltage swing of the AC current in the cool neon driver. When the voltage approaches zero, that's the moment the power is switched off or on. Turning off or on the power at the moment the power is virtually 0 eliminates the jarring voltage spikes that are created by rapidly transitioning the power in the middle of a smooth sine wave. Yes it's hard to imagine all this happens inside these cute little six pin packages.

Pattern indicating LEDs

these will be very helpful when you are programming your Arduino and developing new patterns.

Pattern speed control thumwheel

instantaneously control the speed of the pattern in real-time with this input. And if you don't like this particular implementation you can always change it in the code.

Two input buttons

the example code has designated one button to cycle through the different patterns. The other button is used to indicate the number of channels you want to use. Of course these you could also change in the code.

Arduino shield piggyback socket and fully reconfigurable IO

this Shield has a socket so you can place yet another Shield on top. In case there are any conflicts in the use of the I/O channels, all of the I/O ports are fully reconfigurable. With designated places on the bottom side of the PCB for you to cut the traces and special places for you to solder in new jumpers. As you can probably imagine there are a lot of things you could attach. You could make a "Open" sign out of CoolNeon and make it turn on and off based on a timer or respond to the Internet. I myself attached a Hall effect sensor.

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Project Information

Arduino CoolNeon ELwire