
EEPROM Editor for opentx / gruvin9x / er9x / th9x open source 9X firmwares

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Here is the GitHub project page:

EEPROM editor and simulator for opentx, gruvin9x, er9x, partially th9x and hopefully RadioClone opensource firmwares for the 9X transmitter and FrSky Taranis Radio

Initially based on the eePe project, has evolved to offer a fully featured radio simulator, and complete support to the OpenTX firmware. It also offers a nice conversion system between EEPROM formats which are specific to each firmware. We have begun to work on an export feature to a unified XML format which will be understandable by humans.

companion9x is free to use under the GNU GPL v2.0 License. Feel free to use, copy and modify it as you wish! If you feel that this software has been beneficial you can show your support by donating. You'll be added to the "donators" list.

Project Information

The project was created on Jul 28, 2011.

  • License: GNU GPL v2
  • 67 stars
  • svn-based source control

open9x ersky9x gruvin9x er9x th9x radioclone avrdude qt