The new repository is moved to github. Check for new update at https://github.com/wzzhu/chromedragandgo
This extension is for Chrome to drag texts or links (contained inside the selection text) into a new tab. Similar to Firefox's Drag and Go.
The tab position is decided by the drag direction. Up and down directions mean opening the new tab in background or foreground. Left and right directions mean putting the new tab on the left side or right side of current tab.
Chrome超级拖曳扩展。 上下方向分别控制后台/前台打开,左右方向控制打开Tab的位置。
More tips (更多的使用技巧) 1. You can drag and drop it anywhere after you think about it. The original chrome needs to drag to the address bar. This extension saves the distance you need to drop.
- You don’t need to select the exact link text. Just select its paragraph and drag. The extension will pick the first link inside the text and open the link.
- If you would like to use different search engine instead of google.com. You could customize the search engine query string. Type in address bar chrome://extensions. Then click the Option for this extension.
你可以使用其他的搜索引擎来查找拖曳的文字。打开扩展页面(在地址栏输入chrome://extensions或从菜单里面选),点击super drag and go 的 option,就可以定制搜索引擎的查询链接了。
- You can cancel the selection by returning the mouse to near original position. The distance can be customized through option page. You can also set options to disable drag and go by holding alt or ctrl before dragging. 如果要取消拖曳操作,可以把鼠标移回起点的附近。在扩展的选项页面可以自定义取消拖曳的距离,也可以设定在拖曳前按住alt或者ctrl键取消拖曳。
New in 1.6: Supporting mouse gestures (Please go to the option page to enable it). Six most frequently used gestures are supported with left mouse. LEFT mouse is so important for touch pad users! Left: Back; Right: Forward; Up down: Refresh; Down Right: Close; Up: Scroll up; Down: Scroll down. (These 6 ones are my most frequently used definitions. I don't remember other gestures:) Hope you use the same way.)
新增功能:最常用的6个鼠标手势!(请到option page里面激活)。左:向后; 右:向前;上下:刷新;下右:关闭;上:向上滚动;下:向下滚动。(这是我最常使用的6个手势,其他的我记不住:)希望你用法相似)