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camlistore - GettingStarted.wiki

1) Download the latest release's zip file from:


and unzip it.

2) Install:

cd camlistore-0.2 (or whatever) go run make.go

3) start the camlistored server:


At startup, it should generate for you the server configuration file, at:


and a new secret keyring:


containing a new gpg key.

4) use camput to generate a clients configuration file

Startup during the previous step should have already output the gpg key to use in the command below, something like E8168483

./bin/camput init --gpgkey <your gpg key>

Your new client configuration file should be at:


5) get started

Starting the server has most likely opened a new browser window for you. If not, camlistore should be available at http://localhost:3179/ui/