
Tool to manage and build "authz" file to set permissions on SVN

Build Authz

Build Authz is a tool to manage and visually build "authz" file for SVN to set access permissions based on directories.

News: 11-08-2012 - Version 1.1.2 Released.

FIX "extra" char when building authz file, when setting denied access. other minor fixes

NEW Added "svnauthz-validate" tool from subversion to validate the authz file (in Windows release includes the binary in "svntools" directory" for Linux/Unix you should have installed subversion package to use this.

NEW Added option to load users from "passwd" file.

NEW Added option to load/save preview when setting permissions.

Changed to GPL3 to be compatible with Apache license 2.0

Project Information

The project was created on Oct 26, 2012.

FreePascal Pascal Lazarus Svn authz Tool