Build Authz
Build Authz is a tool to manage and visually build "authz" file for SVN to set access permissions based on directories.
News: 11-08-2012 - Version 1.1.2 Released.
FIX "extra" char when building authz file, when setting denied access. other minor fixes
NEW Added "svnauthz-validate" tool from subversion to validate the authz file (in Windows release includes the binary in "svntools" directory" for Linux/Unix you should have installed subversion package to use this.
NEW Added option to load users from "passwd" file.
NEW Added option to load/save preview when setting permissions.
Changed to GPL3 to be compatible with Apache license 2.0
Project Information
The project was created on Oct 26, 2012.
- License: GNU GPL v3
- svn-based source control