This page describes the tool we developed for our research work on recovering missing links between fixed bugs and committed changes, utilizing Information Retrieval technology and other useful features. This research work could be helpful to the researchers whose work is based on the defect-change linkage data (such as the work on software defect prediction).
Download and Installation
ReLink is free for scientific use only. More information about ReLinkcan be found at the following paper:
Rongxin Wu, Hongyu Zhang, Sunghun Kim, and S.C.Cheung, ReLink: Recovering Links between Bugs and Changes, in Proc. The joint meeting of the European Software Engineering Conference and the ACM SIGSOFT Symposium on the Foundations of Software Engineering (ESEC/FSE'11), Szeged, Hungary, Sep 5-9 2011.
The software is developed in Java and is available at: Download page.
The software contains one jar file named "ReLink.jar", a wordnet configuration file named "file_properties.xml", and a wordnet dictionary named "dictionary".
How to use
The software takes bug data file, bug comment file and change log file as the input and produces the links in the specified directory. The followings are the input descriptions.
Name of bug data file. Bug data file provides the basic bug information. The format of the bug data file is: bugID Type Status Owner Reporter ReportDate ModifiedDate LastDate Summary Comments
Name of bug comment file. Bug comment file provides the comments from the developers and the users. The format of the bug comment file is: bugID developer date comments
Name of change log file. Change log file provides the basic change log information. The format of the change log file is: revisionNO date Author Message
Name of diretory for the result. The result directory is used to store the final results for links.
Name of golden set file (Optional Input). The golden set file is used to evaluate the final results. If you don't specify the golden set file, we won't give any evaluation on the results.
Name of index file (Optional Input). The index file is the file which stores the index of bug reports and change logs. It is generated by your previous experiment. Since the process of indexing could cost much time, you could consider using the privous indexing file.
For details about the approach, please refer to our paper.
Java 1.5 is required to run the software. To run the software, issue the following command:
$ java -jar ReLink.jar bugDataFile bugCommentDataFile changeLogFile dataStorageDirectory (-g goldenSetFile)
(-i indexFile)
The output file is final_results.txt. The format of the output file is:
bugID reporter owner status reportDate modifiedDate Type bugSummary recommendRevisionNO
recommendRevisionAuthor recommendRevisionLog isTrueLink
Evaluation Projects
With this distribution, we also provide 2 projects for evaluation, ZXing and OpenIntents. ZXing and OpenIntents are both android projects. We provide the raw data and the golden sets of links which have been manually checked. If you want to verify the tool using other projects, please refer to the format of the input files.
If you have any comments/questions regarding the research work or software, please feel free to contact us.