
AS3 Wrapper Class for creating BitmapDatas greater than 2880px

AS3 Wrapper Class for creating BitmapDatas greater than 2880px

With the Class you're able to bypass the 2880px limit for BitmapData and the 8191px limit for DisplayObjects

``` import com.formatlos.as3.lib.display.BitmapDataUnlimited; import;

var bdu:BitmapDataUnlimited = new BitmapDataUnlimited(); bdu.addEventListener(BitmapDataUnlimitedEvent.COMPLETE, onBmpReady); bdu.create(5000, 5000, true);

var hugeBmp : BitmapData;

function onBmpReady(event : BitmapDataUnlimitedEvent) : void { hugeBmp = bdu.bitmapData; trace("BitmapData: w=" + hugeBmp.width + " h=" + hugeBmp.height); } ```

Project Information

as3 flash bitmapdata