http://www.youtube.com/watch?feature=player_embedded&v=ZrZpALx6qaI' target='_blank'>http://img.youtube.com/vi/ZrZpALx6qaI/0.jpg' width='425' height=344 />
Biowatch can be used to track multiple targets in a scene using particle filtering technique. Biowatch can either track objects by their color, or by their darkness(default) in the scene. You start the program with a movie file, click on the targets and adjust size if needed, and unpause -- and voila! the selected objects are tracked automatically.
The tracking is not perfect and it is possible that the tracker will lose the target. In this case you can pause the tracking, roll back to to the time when you the target was lost, and manually fix the tracked location. The tracker will then continue with the corrected location when unpaused.
Building from source
You need OpenCV, Boost, GCC4.7 or greater, and CMake to build this project. Once these dependencies are installed then do the following to build the project:
$ git clone https://code.google.com/p/biowatch/
$ cd biowatch
$ mkdir build
$ cd build
$ cmake ..
$ make
Not that if the default compiler is not GCC4.7 or higher, but you have it installed then you should specify the compiler manually during the cmake
CXX=g++-4.7 cmake ..
binary will now be in the build folder.
From binary on a Mac
Download and unzip the BioWatch.zip file, which will give you BioWatch.app
in your current folder. Note that this is not a standard Mac app bundle, so you can't just click on it from Finder and expect it to run. We must run it from command line. For example if you unzipped the Biowatch.zip file in the current folder, then you can run the following command to get command line options:
$ ./BioWatch.app/Contents/MacOs/track_pf --help
here is the main executable.
Command Line
The simplest usage is:
$ ./BioWatch.app/Contents/MacOs/track_pf --video=/path/to/myvideo.mov
other options are:
``` --help help --video arg Video file --scale arg (=1) scaling --subsample arg (=1) Temporal subsampling rate for input video. --owidth arg (=20) Maximum width of the object (post scaling) --oheight arg (=4) Maximum height of the object (post scaling) --senstivity arg (=4) 2.0 = low, 4 = mid (default), 10=high --skip arg (=0) skip the initial frames --mask arg mask file --begin arg (=0) begin time in seconds --end arg (=-1) end time in seconds -o [ --out ] arg (=out.txt) Output coordinates --particles arg (=100) Number of particles used. Higher number will result in smoother tracking. --sigma_pos arg (=1) more jumpy the object is, higher this number should be. It is used after multiplying it with max_len --sigma_theta arg (=30) more irratic the object turning is, higher this number should be.
Runtime Control
Keyboard control:
[space]: toggle pausing
[delete]: delete selected object
[<],[>]: rotate selected object
[w],[s]: change selected tracked target position UP/DOWN
[a],[d]: change selected tracked target position LEFT/RIGHT
[r],[f]: change selected tracked target size
[z]: show measurement
[p]: show particles
[o]: write output
[escape]: write output and quit
Mouse control:
- double click or right click to add a new object
- While paused, drag and object to manually update position
Output Format
The coordinates of each target is dumped in a file when you press the [o]
key, or when you exist the program by hitting [esc]
. The output is a simple text file with the following format
<oid> <time> <X> <Y> <widht> <height> <angle> <valid?>
= object id. This is a number between 0-(n-1), where n is the number of objects you are tracking.
= Video frame number.
= position of the object in pixels coordinates.
= size of the object in pixels.
= orientation of the tracked object -- in degrees between -180,180
= If 1 then the data on this line is valid, otherwise the object was not tracked at this time step.
How to Cite
Yogesh Girdhar and Sofia Ibarraran, Biowatch: A multiple target tracker for analyzing animal behavior, 2014. Available at https://code.google.com/p/biowatch
Project Information
The project was created on Aug 6, 2012.
- License: GNU GPL v3
- git-based source control