
some ebuilds for gentoo that we regularly use

WARNING: Project transferred to GitHUB: Pls update your links. In layman -L still old version used though.

There's times when Gentoo devs does not react in timely manner or does not react at all and there is no way to convience them. But we need new ebuilds, functions and stuff. Therefore here I will be make my ebuilds. When proposed changes will be accepted by devs this overlay will be ceased.

To start using my overlay

Install layman if you doesn't have it yet: ```

emerge layman

Add [my overlay list]( to `/etc/layman/layman.cfg`, it should looks this way: overlays : then you should fetch list of available overlays and add my overlay:

layman -L

layman -a barzog-overlay

To sync my overlay you can either manually run ` # layman -S ` each time you run ` # emerge --sync` or you can use eix utility. Install eix if you doesn't have it yet:

emerge eix

Configure eix to sync all layman's overlays automatically:

echo "*" >> /etc/eix-sync.conf

Now you can sync portage, sync layman overlays and update eix database with single command:



About ebuild in overlay

  1. nginx with aio and realip support. Corresponding PR here.
  2. Auhen::Radius and Data::HexDump perl modules. Corresponding PR here.
  3. MySQL-zrm. Corresponding PR here.
  4. mwlib-ext. Corresponding PR here.
  5. flow-tools. Corresponding PR here.
  6. Updated isc dhcpd server. Corresponding PR here.
  7. perf for kernels 2.6.32 (its LTS-kernel, I've don't understand why gentoo dev does not keep it in portage tree).
  8. fprobe-ulog. Corresponding PR here.
  9. ftputil. Corresponding PR here.
  10. ifenslave. Corresponding PR here.
  11. verlihub. Correspongnd PR here.
  12. xbtt. Corresponding PR here.

Project Information

gentoo overlay ebuilds nginx radius mwlib mysql-zrm dhcp flow-tools fprobe-ulog verlihub xbtt