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Tail Light


Eagle files are available in repository


Printed Circuit board


This board is the first successfull attempt to direct ink-jet print the board. I've forgotten to mirror the board, that's why are the chips from the solder side. The heads of the indicator LEDs have been cut to make their angle wider. Note there is also swapped Vcc and GND on robbus connector.

Component side


Solder side


The case

The light is enclosed in ABS78 plastic box with sealing. The window and groove for preliglass wingow (2mm polystyrene) has been milled. The box has been painted black. The reflection foil has been attached to the front side. On the picture, there is protective foil over plexiglass window.



Node address

The default address for tail light is 't' but can be changed via service packet (see Robbus project).

Configuration data

The data packed payload consists of two bytes" <flags><pwm>

The flags byte switches following functions: MSB 3 bits: offTime: off time in blink mode (0 for no blink, unit 90ms) 3 bits: onTime: on time in blink mode (0 for no blink, unit 30ms) 1 bit: rightIndicator: set to make right indicator blink 1 bit: leftIndicator: set to make left indicator blink LSB

The pwm byte sets PWM for main LED block (0 - off to 255 - full power).