What is AVBOT?
AVBOT is an anti-vandalism bot for MediaWiki wikis. It is developed by Emilio J. Rodríguez-Posada in Python, using pywikipediabot and irclib.
AVBOT has been working in Spanish Wikipedia from 2008, it has reverted more than 250,000 vandalism edits, and it has several clones managed by other users. http://upload.wikimedia.org/wikipedia/commons/thumb/5/59/Avbot_codigo.png/200px-Avbot_codigo.png' align='right' width='200px' />
In 2009, this project was awarded with Premio Nacional al "Mejor proyecto comunitario" in the III Concurso Universitario de Software Libre.
- Regular expressions and scoring system
- Blanking edits detector
- Non-notable biographies detector for articles about years
- Warning messages to vandals
- Reporting of repetitive attacks to admins' noticeboard
You can download the source code from our SVN repository.
In the downloads section you can find a manual and other useful texts about AVBOT. There is also a blog at avbot.blogspot.com.
There are two main publications regarding AVBOT:
- «AVBOT: Detecting and fixing Vandalism in Wikipedia». UPGRADE, Volume: 2011, Issue No. 3, July 2011.
- «AVBOT: detección y corrección de vandalismos en Wikipedia». NovATIca, núm. 203, 2010, pp. 51-53.
http://commons.wikimedia.org/wiki/File:Avbot_hasta_nov.svg'>http://upload.wikimedia.org/wikipedia/commons/thumb/1/1e/Avbot_hasta_nov.svg/700px-Avbot_hasta_nov.svg.png' alt='Spanish Wikipedia vandalism edits reverted by AVBOT per day during 2008' title='Spanish Wikipedia vandalism edits reverted by AVBOT per day during 2008' />
If you want to send any suggestion, reach me at emijrp@gmail.com. For bugs, you can use the issues section. Thanks.
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