
Android Open Source Project with BlueZ 5

AOSP with BlueZ 5 integrated as replacement for default Bluedroid Bluetooth stack.

This project is an example on how BlueZ 5 for Android can be integrated with AOSP project.

Short summary

Supported Android version: 5.0 ('lollipop' branch), 4.4.4 ('kitkat' branch)

Supported devices: * Nexus 4 (mako target) * Nexus 7 2013 (flo target) * Nexus 7 2013 LTE (deb target) * Nexus 5 (hammerhead target)

Getting Started

Note: Provided instructions are for Android 5.0 Lollipop.

For Android 4.4 KitKat use 'kitkat' branch for repo and 'android-msm-<target>-3.4-kitkat-mr2' for kernel.

Downloading source: repo init -u -b lollipop repo sync

Downloading binary drivers:

Additional binary drivers are required to boot AOSP on Nexus devices. Those require accepting EULA and can be downloaded from Follow instructions for your supported device and Android version of choice and after unpacking place them in vendor folder of downloaded repo.

Initializing build environment:
note: replace <target> with appropriate value depending on your device, see above

source build/

lunch aosp_<target>-userdebug


make -j8

note: you can skip -w to keep userdata and cache partitions content, i.e. in case you want just to upgrade software without erasing any data

adb reboot bootloader

fastboot flashall -w

Building own kernel

aosp-bluez provides prebuilt kernels for all supported devices. When building own kernel from MSM tree, following configuration is recommended in order for all features to work properly:

  • enabled Enable loadable modules support (CONFIG_MODULES)
  • enabled Bluetooth subsystem support (CONFIG_BT) as module
  • enabled 802.1d Ethernet Bridging (CONFIG_BRIDGE)
  • backported hid-generic driver
  • backported aes-cmac crypto hash
  • Bluetooth subsystem built from backports (with RFCOMM and BNEP protocols support) - recommended latest development release available from
  • HCI SMD driver built with backports

To make things easier, we provide required modifications as patches available in'>misc repository and step-by-step instruction below to have own kernel binaries built.

### download misc repository

git clone misc

### download kernel
git clone kernel-msm
cd kernel-msm

### prepare kernel sources
git checkout android-msm-<target>-3.4-lollipop-release
git am ../misc/patches-kernel/0001-hid-Backport-hid-generic-driver.patch
git am ../misc/patches-kernel/0002-crypto-add-CMAC-support-to-CryptoAPI.patch
git am ../misc/patches-kernel/0003-crypto-af_alg-properly-label-AF_ALG-socket.patch

### configure kernel
make ARCH=arm CROSS_COMPILE=arm-eabi- <target>_defconfig
scripts/config --enable CONFIG_MODULES
scripts/config --module CONFIG_BT
scripts/config --enable CONFIG_BRIDGE
scripts/config --enable CONFIG_CRYPTO_CMAC
scripts/config --enable CONFIG_CRYPTO_USER_API
scripts/config --enable CONFIG_CRYPTO_USER_API_HASH
scripts/config --enable CONFIG_CRYPTO_USER_API_SKCIPHER
make ARCH=arm CROSS_COMPILE=arm-eabi- oldnoconfig

### build kernel
make ARCH=arm CROSS_COMPILE=arm-eabi- -j8

cd ..

### unpack backports
tar xf backports-<yyyymmdd>.tar.xz
cd backports-<yyyymmdd>

### prepare backports sources
patch -p1 < ../misc/patches-backports/0001-Add-defconfig-bluetooth.patch
patch -p1 < ../misc/patches-backports/0002-Enable-6LOWPAN.patch (optional)
patch -p1 < ../misc/patches-backports/0003-Add-HCI-SMD.patch (needed for Nexus 4,7)
patch -p1 < ../misc/patches-backports/0004-Add-HCI-H4.patch (needed for Nexus 5)
patch -p1 < ../misc/patches-backports/0005-Workaround-for-msm-kernel-tree.patch

### configure backprots
make ARCH=arm CROSS_COMPILE=arm-eabi- KLIB_BUILD=../kernel-msm defconfig-bluetooth

### build backports
make ARCH=arm CROSS_COMPILE=arm-eabi- KLIB_BUILD=../kernel-msm -j8

Finally, existing kernel should be replaced with kernel-msm/arch/arm/boot/zImage and modules/*.ko with corresponding files from backports-<yyyymmdd>/.

Other useful links:

Google documentation on how to download and build AOSP:'>

BlueZ documentation for BlueZ for Android:'>

Project Information

The project was created on Jan 9, 2014.

Android Bluetooth