Alternative android sdk is a collection of opensource utilities with some modifications, It can be used for these purpose: 1. apk reverse engineering.(with apktool/smali/baksmali/dex2jar/dava) 1. learning/developing smali language and run simple dex file under PC.(with smali/baksamli/pure java dalvikvm) 1. develop android App but do not want to use official SDK.(javac/android.jar api16/dx/apktool/aapt/aidl) 1. pure 64bit environment and do not like to install 32bit Android SDK with a lot of 32bit support libraries.(with android-utils, you need compile it yourself)
- Standalone aapt/adb/acp/aidl/zipalign extracted from original android source tree.These utilities can be compiled as 64bit native or 32bit native.
- Android.jar API16 and dx from original android SDK.
- Smali/Baksmali to decode/encode dex file
- Pure java dalvikvm modified from "android-dalvik-vm-on-java"
- dex2jar/dava to decompile dex to classes and java codes.
- apktool to extract and rebuild a APK file.
- Droiddraw GUI Builder.
- apk signer.
- A wrapper script to make everything easy.
- Examples include java/smali helloworld and a simple UI App that can be build with this SDK.
Android-utils ported from Android 4.1.2 source tree include aapt/adb/acp/aidl/zipalign. the porting scripts can be found in SVN.
And a latest version from android git source tree.
Apkutil include all other arch independent components
Build and Install
For android-utils:
$tar zxvf android-utils-4.1.2-r1.tar.gz
$cd android-utils
$./configure --prefix=/usr
$make;make install
It will install adb/aapt/acp/aidl/zipalign to /usr/bin, if you want to install them to non-standard path, please specify the prefix when "configure" and make sure that your installation path is in PATH env.
For apkutils:
Just extract it to anywhere you want and link apkutil.sh to /usr/bin/apkutil
There are some examples shipped with the sdk, Please
$cd apkutils/example
for more information.
And More
``` Usage: apkutil
command list: deapk -- decompile apk file enapk -- re-compile directory to apk if -- install framework file to your system which needed by apktool
baksmali -- use baksmali to decode dex file smali -- use smali to encode smalis to dex dalvikvm -- use pure java dalvikvm to run simple dex file
dex2jar -- convert dex to jar jar2dex -- convert jar to dex
droiddraw -- GUI builder installagent-- install droiddraw agent to device agentforward-- setup agentforward rule
genrjava -- generate R.java javac -- javac wrapper with classpath set to android-4.1 framwork dava -- java decompiler
dx -- dx wrapper
sign -- sign apk with testkey
setdevice -- setup device for adb adb -- android adb wrapper adbrun -- run command with adb adbshell -- launch adb shell adbpush -- adb push wrapper
zipalign -- zipalign wrapper aapt -- aapt wrapper aidl -- aidl wrapper ```