
XUL JavaScript Enhanced Toolkit

XULJet is a JavaScript framework that helps to create platform independent desktop applications directly in JavaScript.

It uses Mozilla XULRunner for rendering of GUI components.

XULJet has component-based architecture inspired by Seaside and XUL DSL canvas similar to Jaml.

For basic information about XULRunner applications structure and distribution see this documentation


  • component-based architecture that increases reuseability of the code


  • readable description of GUI directly in JavaScript, no need of external XML files


  • easy access to XUL elements using bindings to component properties


  • simple embedding of HTML and SVG
  • forms (they have no direct support in XUL)
  • simple generation of printed reports
  • CommonJS module system
  • native CouchDB support without origin limitations
  • MIT license

Hello World! example

  • load xuljet module
  • create a subclass of xuljet.Component named Main with one instance variable
  • specify what this component should render.
  • set an instance of your component class as the root component of the main application window

For more complex examples see http://code.google.com/p/xuljet/source/browse/#hg/examples/demo/chrome/content/pages

var xuljet = require('lib/xuljet');

var Main = function(aWindow)
xuljet.Component.call(this, aWindow);
this.message = "Hello World!";
xuljet.inherits(Main, xuljet.Component);

Main.prototype.render = function(xul)
with (xul)
vbox({flex: 1},
menu({label: "File", accesskey: "f"},
menuitem({label: "Close", oncommand: "window.close()"}))))),
vbox({align: "center", pack: "center", flex: 1},
description({bind: "desc"}, "Press the button"),
button({label: "OK", oncommand: function() {
this["desc"].value = this.message}})),
statusbarpanel({flex: 1, label: 'Ready...'})))

function main()
var rootComponent = new Main(window);


XUL has no direct way how to create forms (it has no FORM tag). So you have to process each input element separately. XULJet provides a form pseudo-tag and a way how to link an object to a from element. It works even for complex elements like listboxes with multiple selection. form({id: "myForm"}, textbox({link: [this.data, 'name']}), textbox({link: [this.data, 'surname']}), button({label: "Submit", oncommand: function() { this.processForm("myForm") }}))


XULJet provides a simple way how to dynamically generate printed reports. They can combine HTML and SVG content. XULRunner has rich possibilitis to set printing options. var html = new xuljet.HTMLCanvas(); with (html) { h1("Printed page"); p("Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipisicing elit..."); } with (html.SVG()) { svg({width: "120px", height: "120px"}, circle({r: 50, cx: 60, cy: 60, style: "stroke: red; fill: none; stroke-width: 20" }), line({x1: 33, y1: 93, x2: 93, y2: 23, style: "stroke: red; stroke-width: 20"})) } this.print(html)


easy-to-use forms

http://xuljet.googlecode.com/files/screenshot_002.png http://xuljet.googlecode.com/files/screenshot_001.png

embedded components, images, SVG and HTML


CouchDB support


Project Information

xul JavaScript Desktop Framework